Steven K. Mariner |
Last Updated: 18-Sep-2008 |
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I am an avid gamer. The title of this page can be misleading; I do enjoy
games which are not necessarily wargames. I dearly enjoy playing Mayfair
railroad games, and I have always enjoyed a racecar game called "Speed
But there's just something special to me about a game on a hex grid; just
the sight of the grid itself gets me juiced up. Yes, I'm a gamer geek.
Here is a list of the games I have played -- it is not complete, but it's
close. Within each category, they're roughly in the order in which I
played them.
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Board Games:
- Chess
- Wooden Ships & Iron Men
- Diplomacy
- Sniper!
- Ace of Aces
- Speed Circuit
- Conquest
- Swords & Sorcery
- The Creature That Ate Sheboygan
- Risk
- Summit
- Third Reich
- Stratego
- Richtoffen's War
- Fight In The Skies
- Ney vs. Wellington
- Cosmic Encounter
- KingMaker
- Squad Leader
- Panzer Leader
- Panzer Blitz
- Star Trek Tri-Dimensional Chess
- Air Force
- Star Fleet Battles
- BattleTech
- Tactics
- Tacitcs II
- Solarquest
- Advanced Civilization
- Talisman
- Circus Imperium
- Eurorails
- Iron Dragon
- Australian Rails
- Nippon Rails
- Empire Builder
- North American Rails
- Brittish Rails
- India Rails
- Silverton
- 1830
- The Fantasy Trip (Melee & Wizard)
- Axis & Allies
- Fortress America
- Shogun (Samaurai Swords)
- Pax Brittanica
- Legions of Steel
- Dogfight!
- Battlemasters
- Settlers of Catan
- Seafarers of Catan
- El Grande
- Ursuppe
- ElfLand
- Tigris & Euphrates
- Dragon Dice
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Family Games (Yes, they're board games, but wargamers don't usually admit
to playing these unless they're cornered or bribed with Doritos):
- Checkers
- Chutes and Ladders
- Chinese Checkers
- Monopoly
- Mancala
- Life
- Parchessi
- Yahtzee
- Backgammon
- Mastermind
- Sqvrm
- The Black Box
- Past Lives
- Boggle
- French Solitaire Peg Game
- Clue
- Master Labyrinth
- Mystery at Hogwarts
- Dance of the Witches
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Card Games:
- Gin Rummy
- Go Fish!
- Rummy 500
- Solitaire
- Poker
- Euker
- Pinochle
- Back Alley Bridge (also known as Blackout, Oh Shit, Oh Hell, Screw Your
Neighbor, and probably at least a dozen other names)
- Hearts
- Cribbage
- Canasta
- Spades
- Wizard
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Role-Playing Games:
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Traveller
- RuneQuest
- Champions
- Rolemaster
- Vampire, The Maquerade
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Card Collecting Games:
As time permits, I'll be converting the list of games above to links to
pages describing the games in question, discussing my opinions of the game,
tactics I've used or seen, etc.
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Here are some links regarding gaming and related subjects:
| eBay
| Programming
| Wargaming
| Music
| RenFaire
| Motorcycles
| Fidonet
| marinersk@earthlink.net
| Mariner Home
| Annie
| Steve
| Triona
| Cressa
| marinersk@earthlink.net
© 1997-2008, Steven K. Mariner