
Steven K. Mariner

Last Updated: 22-Mar-2024

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| eBay | Programming | Wargaming | Music | RenFaire | Motorcycles | Fidonet | |


Hi there -- Steven K. Mariner here. This site is far from complete; but, then, a web site is a sort of a "living document" anyway. However, the content here is not nearly what I'd like to eventually make it, so if it looks empty and for some reason you actually care about the subject matter here, just stop by every so often and see if the web site has undergone a growth spurt. Progress is truly intermittent here, as a vanity site really isn't at the top of my priority list very often. :-)

There will be more areas of interest listed in the future, but for now I have subpages on Programming, Wargaming, Music and Fidonet; and, of course, a place for the things I'm selling on eBay, although that turned out to be more work than I had anticipated, and as such, the eBay page is often unlinked.

Problems? Write me at

| Mariner Home | Kristie | Steve | Triona | Cressa | |

© 1997-2024, Steven K. Mariner